About us

Kelly Harrison

Languages Roadshow is here to make Languages matter at your school.

We offer professional development and resources specific to the needs of Languages teachers.

We specialise in pedagogy and curriculum focussed professional development, Content and Language Integrated Learning and Australian Curriculum aligned resources.

We are Australian based but love connecting with teachers worldwide.

About our founder:

Hi! I’m Kelly Harrison. I started my career as a high school Japanese and English teacher and started Languages Roadshow in 2019 after having my first baby. I now have three kids and Languages Roadshow has evolved and changed over this time as my life has changed and the needs of teachers have changed.

Languages Roadshow started as a face-to-face events business. Basically, I wanted to run the best, most fun, most useful Languages teachers conference ever. I did that, a few times over, with sellout events in our first year of operation. Since covid however, our professional development programs have been more online, but who knows what 2025 may hold.

My pedagogy passion is CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning. I started using CLIL pedagogy in 2014 and it drastically improved my students levels of proficiency and engagement with Japanese, and also completely changed my career trajectory. I regularly run PD sessions that are either specifically about CLIL or at least ‘CLIL-adjacent’. My nerdy hobby is to spend time on the Australian Curriculum website trawling through other subject areas and working out ways I could integrate those subjects into a Languages program.

I’m also a textbook author. In 2024, I co-authored the new Japanese title Peko Peko for Melbourne publisher Lingopont. I also look after sales and marketing there, so you’ll often see some Languages Roadshow / Lingopont crossover in my newsletters and socials content.

I also recently published my own Hiragana Busy Book, which I am thrilled about.

Some non-work stuff about me – I’m a Queenslander but I live in Northern NSW with my husband, three kids and various animals. I like running and going to the gym. I used to be a big reader but since having my third baby I’m struggling to get back into books and now just listen to a tonne of podcasts. I talk a lot and I used to feel self-conscious about that but I don’t anymore. I like being an open book and someone people feel they can easily approach and talk to.

I send a very casual newsletter out that focusses on all things Languages teaching. Of all the things Languages Roadshow does, it’s actually my newsletter that people tell me they love most, so please sign up.

My mission is to increase the number of students studying Languages through to Year 12 in Australia. I believe the way to make this happen is to empower teachers and schools through offering high quality professional learning experiences and follow up support. I am a passionate advocate of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and I am so excited to see more and more schools experimenting with this method of teaching.

Languages teachers are a special community of professionals. Amazing things can happen when we are given the time and space to connect with our Languages colleagues and it’s a privilege to be able to facilitate those opportunities.

Wherever you are in the world, whichever languages you teach, I’d love to hear from you, so please get in touch.

Let's talk
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