The Teacher by Trade directory will help get your product or service in front of your potential customers through leveraging our extensive network of educators.
Launching soon. Currently recruiting businesses for beta testing of our directory.
If you are an educator who would like to find out more about creative businesses who serve schools and teachers, you can:
The podcast is all about teachers who have started businesses, either alongside teaching or as new ventures after leaving the classroom. Educators bring a unique perspective to entrepreneurialism and Kelly wants to share those stories to encourage other teachers with business ideas.
The podcast is a celebration of multi-passionate, highly skilled and creative educators.
In terms of education in Australia, we are fed so many stories of supposedly low standards and a never ending focus on standardised test results. Languages Roadshow is excited to contribute something new and positive to the narrative of teaching in Australia.
All the links to the various podcast platforms are below. Please share with any teaching friends! Subscribes and reviews very much appreciated.