As Languages teachers, we have the flexibility to teach whatever content we like, yet we so often stick to a basic self intro as our opening unit.
If we want to engage more students in language learning, we need to think outside the self intro box.
In this new online workshop, I’ll give you 98 ways you can ditch your self intro unit. Not only will you be flushed with curriculum-aligned topic ideas, you’ll walk away with an understanding of how you can still teach the beginner level language you need your students to know, outside of the confines of self-introduction units.
Join me on 2 December 2024 or register to receive the recording to watch at anytime.
When: 2 December 2024, 10.30am – 12 noon AEDT
Where: Online, via Zoom. The recording will be sent to everyone who registers.
Cost: $49
Register below or email to request an invoice.